It’s OK to be Imperfect


Aster Hu


August 8, 2021

I have not updated my website for almost a year until last month.

The main reason is that I’m always pursuing perfect. “It must be bug-free”, “I need to ensure the grammar is correct” - these kind of thoughts constantly appear in my mind and I could barely control them.

It’s not that I did not do anything. Actually, I accomplished a lot in the past year. Besides my full-time job, I worked on two web projects with my partner, played 520+ hours of video games (yes I count it as accomplishment), started watercolour sketching, and a lot more.

But I’m still struggling. My issue is thinking too much. doing too little. I tend to think a lot before taking an action, and often end up with doing nothing.

I’m slowly learning to accept my imperfect. I do not have to be perfect every time. Just like this post, it might have many grammar errors, but hey, it’s better than a blank page.